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IGNOU Passing Marks out of 100, 70, 50 in BAG, BA, MA, & Assignment

Are you looking for information related to IGNOU Passing Marks 2024? If yes, then from here you will be able to check that marks are required to pass in 100, 70, 50 marks exam.

The importance of understanding the subtleties of IGNOU passing marks cannot be overstated for students enrolled in the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). By simplifying the IGNOU passing marks system, this guide attempts to provide you the knowledge you need to succeed in your studies. Also bookmark this article for latest IGNOU update.

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IGNOU Passing Marks 2024

IGNOU University has a different system of passing marks. IGNOU sets the passing marks separately for each course. And also passing marks have a role in the assignment. For students to successfully pass a course, certain criteria must be met:

  • Minimum Marks Requirement: Students must typically receive at least 40% on both their coursework and the term-end exam in order to pass. This holds true for the majority of IGNOU’s courses and programs.
  • Combined Score: The final grade frequently consists of the sum of the grades received for the term-end exam and the assignments. The objective is to strike a balance between dependable assignment performance and exam planning.
  • Assignment weight: Assignments are very important for getting passing grades. These exercises are meant to test your comprehension of the material and count toward your final grade.
  • Term-End test: The term-end test is a crucial part of the IGNOU evaluation procedure. To guarantee that you achieve the required passing mark, you must adequately prepare.

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IGNOU Passing Marks for Bachelor Degree Program

If you are registered in any Bachelor degree program (BAG, BA, BCOM, BCA, BDP, BSCG, BLIS) in IGNOU University, you will need the following passing marks to qualify in the exam.

  • Minimum passing marks is 18 out of 50 marks exam.
  • Minimum passing marks is 35 out of 100 marks exam.
  • Minimum passing marks is 09 out of 25 marks exam.

IGNOU Passing Marks for Master Degree Program

If you are registered in any Master degree program (MA, MCOM, MPS, MEG, MHD, MPA, MSO, MAH) in IGNOU University, you will need the following passing marks to qualify in the exam.

  • Minimum passing marks is 20 out of 50 marks exam.
  • Minimum passing marks is 40 out of 100 marks exam.
  • Minimum passing marks is 28 out of 70 marks exam.

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IGNOU TEE Exam Passing Percentage

Students who are registered in Bachelor’s degree program need to secure 35% marks to qualify in IGNOU Term-End Examination (TEE). And for master degree program will be able to qualify the exam with 40% marks. Also, 50% marks are required to pass in the assignment exam.

IGNOU Passing Marks in Assignment

If you want to pass in IGNOU assignment exam then you need 40% marks (i.e. 40 out of 100 marks). And this passing marks criteria is same for all academic courses. For some reason, if you get less marks than the minimum marks prescribed in your assignment, then you will have to submit the assignment again.


It’s crucial to keep in mind that different IGNOU courses and programs may have varying passing requirements. For the most precise and recent information regarding passing scores and evaluation, always refer to the official IGNOU guidelines and regulations.

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What is the passing marks in IGNOU out of 100

IGNOU requires 35 passing marks out of 100 for Bachelor’s degree program and 40 marks out of 100 for Master’s degree program.

What is the passing marks out of 50 in IGNOU

IGNOU requires 18 passing marks out of 50 for Bachelor’s degree program and 20 marks out of 50 for Master’s degree program.

What is the passing marks in IGNOU

At Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), passing grades normally call for a minimum of 40% in a course’s theory and practical components. It’s crucial to remember that passing scores can change based on the course or program you are enrolled in at IGNOU. For the most precise and recent information regarding passing marks for your specific degree, always refer to the official IGNOU guidelines or get in touch with the university directly.

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